

Submodules module

Client implementation for Java Edition.

class str, port: int, *, timeout: Optional[float] = None, passwd: Optional[str] = None)

Bases: Client

A high-level RCON client with methods for the Java Edition.

property advancement: AdvancementProxy

Delegates to a

attribute(target: str, attribute: str) AttributeProxy

Delegates to a

ban(player: str, *reasons: str) str

Adds a player to then ban list.

ban_ip(target: Union[IPv4Address, IPv6Address, str], *reasons: str) str

Adds an IP address to the ban list.

banlist(*ips_or_players: Union[IPv4Address, IPv6Address, str]) str

Displays the server’s ban list.

property bossbar: BossbarProxy

Delegates to a

clear(targets: Optional[str] = None, item: Optional[str] = None, max_count: Optional[int] = None) str

Clears items from player inventory, including items being dragged by the player. Java Edition implementation.

clone(begin: Union[tuple[Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float]], str], end: Union[tuple[Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float]], str], destination: Union[tuple[Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float]], str], *, mask_mode: Optional[Union[MaskMode, str]] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, clone_mode: Optional[Union[CloneMode, str]] = None) str

Clones blocks from one region to another.

property data: DataProxy

Delegates to a

property datapack: DatapackProxy

Delegates to a

debug(command: Union[DebugCommand, str]) str

Invokes the debug command.

defaultgamemode(mode: Union[GameMode, str]) str

Sets the default game mode.

deop(player: str) str

Revokes operator status from the respective player.

difficulty(difficulty: Union[Difficulty, str]) bool

Sets the difficulty.

property effect: EffectProxy

Delegates to a

enchant(target: str, enchantment: Union[Enchantment, str], level: Optional[int] = None) str

Enchants the target.

property execute: ExecuteProxy

Delegates to a mcipc.rcon.commands.execute.ExecuteProxy

experience() ExperienceProxy

Delegates to a

fill(from_: Union[tuple[Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float]], str], to: Union[tuple[Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float]], str], block: str, mode: Optional[Union[FillMode, str]] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None) str

Fills all or parts of a region with a specific block.

property forceload: ForceloadProxy

Delegates to a

function(name: Union[Path, str]) str

Runs the given function.

gamemode(mode: Union[GameMode, str], target: Optional[str] = None) str

Sets the game mode.

gamerule(rule: str, value: Optional[Union[bool, int]] = None) str

Sets or queries a game rule value.

give(target: str, item: str, count: Optional[int] = None) str

Gives an item to one or more players.

help(command: Optional[str] = None) dict

Returns help about commands.

property item: ItemProxy

Delegates to a

kick(player: str, *reasons: str) KickedPlayer

Kicks the respective player.

kill(targets: str)

Kills the targets.

list(uuids: bool = False) Players

Returns the players.

locate(structure: Union[Structure, str]) Location

Locates the respective structure.

locatebiome(biome: Union[Biome, str]) Location

Locates the given biome.

property loot: LootProxy

Delegates to a

me(message: str) str

Sends a message from RCON in first-person perspective.

msg(player: str, message: str) str

Whispers a message to the respective player.

op(player: str) str

Makes the respective player an operator.

pardon(target: str) str

Removes entries from the ban list.

particle(name: str, speed: float, count: int, parameters: Optional[str] = None, pos: Optional[Union[tuple[Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float]], str]] = None, delta: Optional[Union[tuple[Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float]], str]] = None, mode: Optional[Union[ParticleMode, str]] = None, viewers: Optional[str] = None) str

Creates the respective particles.

property players: Players

Returns the players.

playsound(sound: str, source: Union[SoundSource, str], targets: str, pos: Optional[Union[tuple[Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float]], str]] = None, volume: Optional[float] = None, pitch: Optional[float] = None, min_volume: Optional[float] = None) str

Plays a sound.

publish(port: Optional[int] = None) str

Opens singleplayer world to the local network.

property recipe: RecipeProxy

Delegates to a

reload() str

Reloads data packs in Java Edition and functions in behavior packs in Bedrock Edition.

property replaceitem: ReplaceitemProxy

Delegates to a

run(command: str, *arguments: str) str

Runs a command and checks the return value for errors.

save_all(flush: bool = False) str

Saves the server to the data storage device.

save_off() str

Disables the server writing to the world files.

save_on() str

Enables the server writing to the world files.

say(message: str) str

Broadcast a message to all players.

property schedule: ScheduleProxy

Delegates to a

property scoreboard: ScoreboardProxy

Delegates to a

property seed: int

Returns the server seed.

send_url(player: str, url: str, text: Optional[str] = None) str

Sends a URL to the specified player. If no text is specified, it will default to the original URL.

setblock(pos: Union[tuple[Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float]], str], block: str, mode: Optional[Union[SetblockMode, str]] = None) str

Sets a block.

setidletimeout(minutes: int) str

Sets the time before idle players are kicked from the server.

setworldspawn(pos: Optional[Union[tuple[Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float]], str]] = None, angle: Optional[float] = None) str

Sets the world spawn.

spawnpoint(targets: Optional[str] = None, pos: Optional[Union[tuple[Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float]], str]] = None, angle: Optional[float] = None) str

Sets the spawn point for a player.

spectate(target: Optional[str] = None, player: Optional[str] = None) str

Start or stop spectating.

spreadplayers(center: Union[tuple[Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float]], str], spread_distance: float, max_range: float, respec_teams: bool, targets: str, *, max_height: Optional[int] = None) str

Spreads players to resulting position under the maximum height.

stop() str

Stops the server.

stopsound(targets: str, source: Optional[Union[SoundSource, str]] = None, sound: Optional[str] = None) str

Stops a sound.

summon(entity: str, pos: Optional[Union[tuple[Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float]], str]] = None, nbt: Optional[dict] = None) str

Summons an entity.

tag(targets: str) TagProxy

Delegates to a command proxy.

property team: TeamProxy

Delegates to a

teammsg(message: str) str

Sends a team message.

teleport(*, destination: Optional[str] = None, location: Optional[Union[tuple[Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float]], str]] = None, targets: Optional[str] = None, rotation: Optional[Union[tuple[Union[int, str], Union[int, str]], str]] = None, facing_location: Optional[Union[tuple[Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float]], str]] = None, facing_entity: Optional[str] = None, facing_anchor: Optional[Union[Anchor, str]] = None) str

Teleports the player.

tell(player: str, message: str) str

Whispers a message to the respective player.

tellraw(player: str, obj: dict) str

Sends a message represented by a JSON-ish dict.

property time: TimeProxy

Delegates to a

title(targets: str) TitleProxy

Delegates to a

tm(message: str) str

Sends a team message.

property trigger: TriggerProxy

Delegates to a

w(player: str, message: str) str

Whispers a message to the respective player.

property weather: WeatherProxy

Delegates to a

property whitelist: WhitelistProxy

Delegates to a mcipc.rcon.commands.whitelist.WhitelistProxy

property worldborder: WorldborderProxy

Delegates to a

xp() ExperienceProxy

Delegates to a module

Enumerations specific to the Java Edition.


Bases: str, Enum

Available biomes in the Java Edition.

BADLANDS = 'badlands'
BADLANDS_PLATEAU = 'badlands_plateau'
BAMBOO_JUNGLE = 'bamboo_jungle'
BAMBOO_JUNGLE_HILLS = 'bamboo_jungle_hills'
BASALT_DELTAS = 'basalt_deltas'
BEACH = 'beach'
BIRCH_FOREST = 'birch_forest'
BIRCH_FOREST_HILLS = 'birch_forest_hills'
COLD_OCEAN = 'cold_ocean'
CRIMSON_FOREST = 'crimson_forest'
DARK_FOREST = 'dark_forest'
DARK_FOREST_HILLS = 'dark_forest_hills'
DEEP_COLD_OCEAN = 'deep_cold_ocean'
DEEP_FROZEN_OCEAN = 'deep_frozen_ocean'
DEEP_LUKEWARM_OCEAN = 'deep_lukewarm_ocean'
DEEP_OCEAN = 'deep_ocean'
DEEP_WARM_OCEAN = 'deep_warm_ocean'
DESERT = 'desert'
DESERT_HILLS = 'desert_hills'
DESERT_LAKES = 'desert_lakes'
DRIPSTONE_CAVES = 'dripstone_caves'
END_BARRENS = 'end_barrens'
END_HIGHLANDS = 'end_highlands'
END_MIDLANDS = 'end_midlands'
ERODED_BADLANDS = 'eroded_badlands'
FLOWER_FOREST = 'flower_forest'
FOREST = 'forest'
FROZEN_OCEAN = 'frozen_ocean'
FROZEN_RIVER = 'frozen_river'
GIANT_SPRUCE_TAIGA = 'giant_spruce_taiga'
GIANT_SPRUCE_TAIGA_HILLS = 'giant_spruce_taiga_hills'
GIANT_TREE_TAIGA = 'giant_tree_taiga'
GIANT_TREE_TAIGA_HILLS = 'giant_tree_taiga_hills'
GRAVELLY_MOUNTAINS = 'gravelly_mountains'
ICE_SPIKES = 'ice_spikes'
JUNGLE = 'jungle'
JUNGLE_EDGE = 'jungle_edge'
JUNGLE_HILLS = 'jungle_hills'
LUKEWARM_OCEAN = 'lukewarm_ocean'
MODIFIED_BADLANDS_PLATEAU = 'modified_badlands_plateau'
MODIFIED_GRAVELLY_MOUNTAINS = 'modified_gravelly_mountains'
MODIFIED_JUNGLE = 'modified_jungle'
MODIFIED_JUNGLE_EDGE = 'modified_jungle_edge'
MODIFIED_WOODEN_BADLANDS_PLATEAU = 'modified_wooded_badlands_plateau'
MOUNTAINS = 'mountains'
MOUNTAIN_EDGE = 'mountain_edge'
MUSHROOM_FIELDS = 'mushroom_fields'
MUSHROOM_FIELD_SHORE = 'mushroom_field_shore'
NETHER_WASTES = 'nether_wastes'
OCEAN = 'ocean'
PLAINS = 'plains'
RIVER = 'river'
SAVANNA = 'savanna'
SAVANNA_PLATEAU = 'savanna_plateau'
SHATTERED_SAVANNA = 'shattered_savanna'
SHATTERED_SAVANNA_PLATEAU = 'shattered_savanna_plateau'
SMALL_END_ISLANDS = 'small_end_islands'
SNOWY_BEACH = 'snowy_beach'
SNOWY_MOUNTAINS = 'snowy_mountains'
SNOWY_TAIGA = 'snowy_taiga'
SNOWY_TAIGA_HILLS = 'snowy_taiga_hills'
SNOWY_TAIGA_MOUNTAINS = 'snowy_taiga_mountains'
SNOWY_TUNDRA = 'snowy_tundra'
SOUL_SAND_VALLEY = 'soul_sand_valley'
STONE_SHORE = 'stone_shore'
SUNFLOWER_PLAINS = 'sunflower_plains'
SWAMP = 'swamp'
SWAMP_HILLS = 'swamp_hills'
TAIGA = 'taiga'
TAIGA_HILLS = 'taiga_hills'
TAIGA_MOUNTAINS = 'taiga_mountains'
TALL_BIRCH_FOREST = 'tall_birch_forest'
TALL_BIRCH_HILLS = 'tall_birch_hills'
THE_END = 'the_end'
THE_VOID = 'the_void'
WARM_OCEAN = 'warm_ocean'
WARPED_FOREST = 'warped_forest'
WOODED_BADLANDS_PLATEAU = 'wooded_badlands_plateau'
WOODED_HILLS = 'wooded_hills'
WOODED_MOUNTAINS = 'wooded_mountains'

Bases: str, Enum

Available collision rules.

ALWAYS = 'always'
NEVER = 'never'
PUSH_OTHER_TEAMS = 'pushOtherTeams'
PUSH_OWN_TEAM = 'pushOwnTeam'

Bases: str, Enum

Available colors.

AQUA = 'aqua'
BLACK = 'black'
BLUE = 'blue'
DARK_AQUA = 'dark_aqua'
DARK_BLUE = 'dark_blue'
DARK_GRAY = 'dark_gray'
DARK_GREEN = 'dark_green'
DARK_PURPLE = 'dark_purple'
DARK_RED = 'dark_red'
GOLD = 'gold'
GRAY = 'gray'
GREEN = 'green'
LIGHT_PURPLE = 'light_purple'
RED = 'red'
RESET = 'reset'
WHITE = 'white'
YELLOW = 'yellow'

Bases: str, Enum

Available enchantments in the Java Edition.

AQUA_AFFINITY = 'aqua_affinity'
BANE_OF_ARTHROPODS = 'bane_of_arthropods'
BLAST_PROTECTION = 'blast_protection'
CHANNELING = 'channeling'
CLEAVING = 'cleaving'
CURSE_OF_BINDING = 'binding_curse'
CURSE_OF_VANISHING = 'vanishing_curse'
DEPTH_STRIDER = 'depth_strider'
EFFICIENCY = 'efficiency'
FEATHER_FALLING = 'feather_falling'
FIRE_ASPECT = 'fire_aspect'
FIRE_PROTECTION = 'fire_protection'
FLAME = 'flame'
FORTUNE = 'fortune'
FROST_WALKER = 'frost_walker'
IMPALING = 'impaling'
INFINITY = 'infinity'
KNOCKBACK = 'knockback'
LOOTING = 'looting'
LOYALTY = 'loyalty'
LUCK_OF_THE_SEA = 'luck_of_the_sea'
LURE = 'lure'
MENDING = 'mending'
MULTISHOT = 'multishot'
PIERCING = 'piercing'
POWER = 'power'
PROJECTILE_PROTECTION = 'projectile_protection'
PROTECTION = 'protection'
PUNCH = 'punch'
QUICK_CHARGE = 'quick_charge'
RESPIRATION = 'respiration'
RIPTIDE = 'riptide'
SHARPNESS = 'sharpness'
SILK_TOUCH = 'silk_touch'
SMITE = 'smite'
SOUL_SPEED = 'soul_speed'
SWEEPING = 'sweeping'
THORNS = 'thorns'
UNBREAKING = 'unbreaking'

Bases: str, Enum

Available particle modes.

FORCE = 'force'
NORMAL = 'normal'

Bases: str, Enum

Available render types.

HEARTS = 'hearts'
INTEGER = 'integer'

Bases: str, Enum

Available schedule modes.

APPEND = 'append'
REPLACE = 'replace'

Bases: str, Enum

Available sound sources.

AMBIENT = 'ambient'
BLOCK = 'block'
HOSTILE = 'hostile'
MASTER = 'master'
MUSIC = 'music'
NEUTRAL = 'neutral'
PLAYER = 'player'
RECORD = 'record'
VOICE = 'voice'
WEATHER = 'weather'

Bases: str, Enum

Available structures in the Java Edition.

BASTION_REMNANT = 'bastion_remnant'
BURIED_TREASURE = 'buried_treasure'
DESERT_PYRAMID = 'desert_pyramid'
END_CITY = 'endcity'
FORTRESS = 'fortress'
IGLOO = 'igloo'
JUNGLE_PYRAMID = 'jungle_pyramid'
MINESHAFT = 'mineshaft'
MONUMENT = 'monument'
NETHER_FOSSIL = 'nether_fossil'
OCEAN_RUINS = 'ocean_ruin'
PILLAGER_OUTPOST = 'pillager_outpost'
RUINED_PORTAL = 'ruined_portal'
SHIPWRECK = 'shipwreck'
STRONGHOLD = 'stronghold'
SWAMP_HUT = 'swamp_hut'
VILLAGE = 'village'

Bases: str, Enum

Available team options.

COLLISION_RULE = 'collisionRule'
COLOR = 'color'
DEATH_MESSAGE_VISIBILITY = 'deathMessageVisibility'
DISPLAY_NAME = 'displayName'
FRIENDLY_FIRE = 'friendlyFire'
NAMETAG_VISIBILITY = 'nametagVisibility'
PREFIX = 'prefix'
SEE_FRIENDLY_INVISIBLES = 'seeFriendlyInvisibles'
SUFFIX = 'suffix'

Bases: str, Enum

Available time specifications.

DAY = 'day'
MIDNIGHT = 'midnight'
NIGHT = 'night'
NOON = 'noon'

Bases: str, Enum

Available time units.

DAY = 'd'
SECOND = 's'
TICK = 't'

Bases: str, Enum

Available visibility types.

ALWAYS = 'always'
HIDE_FOR_OTHER_TEAMS = 'hideForOtherTeams'
HIDE_FOR_OWN_TEAM = 'hideForOwnTeam'
NEVER = 'never' module

Types for client -> Java Edition server communication.

Module contents

RCON implementation for the Java Edition server.


Bases: str, Enum

Available biomes in the Java Edition.

BADLANDS = 'badlands'
BADLANDS_PLATEAU = 'badlands_plateau'
BAMBOO_JUNGLE = 'bamboo_jungle'
BAMBOO_JUNGLE_HILLS = 'bamboo_jungle_hills'
BASALT_DELTAS = 'basalt_deltas'
BEACH = 'beach'
BIRCH_FOREST = 'birch_forest'
BIRCH_FOREST_HILLS = 'birch_forest_hills'
COLD_OCEAN = 'cold_ocean'
CRIMSON_FOREST = 'crimson_forest'
DARK_FOREST = 'dark_forest'
DARK_FOREST_HILLS = 'dark_forest_hills'
DEEP_COLD_OCEAN = 'deep_cold_ocean'
DEEP_FROZEN_OCEAN = 'deep_frozen_ocean'
DEEP_LUKEWARM_OCEAN = 'deep_lukewarm_ocean'
DEEP_OCEAN = 'deep_ocean'
DEEP_WARM_OCEAN = 'deep_warm_ocean'
DESERT = 'desert'
DESERT_HILLS = 'desert_hills'
DESERT_LAKES = 'desert_lakes'
DRIPSTONE_CAVES = 'dripstone_caves'
END_BARRENS = 'end_barrens'
END_HIGHLANDS = 'end_highlands'
END_MIDLANDS = 'end_midlands'
ERODED_BADLANDS = 'eroded_badlands'
FLOWER_FOREST = 'flower_forest'
FOREST = 'forest'
FROZEN_OCEAN = 'frozen_ocean'
FROZEN_RIVER = 'frozen_river'
GIANT_SPRUCE_TAIGA = 'giant_spruce_taiga'
GIANT_SPRUCE_TAIGA_HILLS = 'giant_spruce_taiga_hills'
GIANT_TREE_TAIGA = 'giant_tree_taiga'
GIANT_TREE_TAIGA_HILLS = 'giant_tree_taiga_hills'
GRAVELLY_MOUNTAINS = 'gravelly_mountains'
ICE_SPIKES = 'ice_spikes'
JUNGLE = 'jungle'
JUNGLE_EDGE = 'jungle_edge'
JUNGLE_HILLS = 'jungle_hills'
LUKEWARM_OCEAN = 'lukewarm_ocean'
MODIFIED_BADLANDS_PLATEAU = 'modified_badlands_plateau'
MODIFIED_GRAVELLY_MOUNTAINS = 'modified_gravelly_mountains'
MODIFIED_JUNGLE = 'modified_jungle'
MODIFIED_JUNGLE_EDGE = 'modified_jungle_edge'
MODIFIED_WOODEN_BADLANDS_PLATEAU = 'modified_wooded_badlands_plateau'
MOUNTAINS = 'mountains'
MOUNTAIN_EDGE = 'mountain_edge'
MUSHROOM_FIELDS = 'mushroom_fields'
MUSHROOM_FIELD_SHORE = 'mushroom_field_shore'
NETHER_WASTES = 'nether_wastes'
OCEAN = 'ocean'
PLAINS = 'plains'
RIVER = 'river'
SAVANNA = 'savanna'
SAVANNA_PLATEAU = 'savanna_plateau'
SHATTERED_SAVANNA = 'shattered_savanna'
SHATTERED_SAVANNA_PLATEAU = 'shattered_savanna_plateau'
SMALL_END_ISLANDS = 'small_end_islands'
SNOWY_BEACH = 'snowy_beach'
SNOWY_MOUNTAINS = 'snowy_mountains'
SNOWY_TAIGA = 'snowy_taiga'
SNOWY_TAIGA_HILLS = 'snowy_taiga_hills'
SNOWY_TAIGA_MOUNTAINS = 'snowy_taiga_mountains'
SNOWY_TUNDRA = 'snowy_tundra'
SOUL_SAND_VALLEY = 'soul_sand_valley'
STONE_SHORE = 'stone_shore'
SUNFLOWER_PLAINS = 'sunflower_plains'
SWAMP = 'swamp'
SWAMP_HILLS = 'swamp_hills'
TAIGA = 'taiga'
TAIGA_HILLS = 'taiga_hills'
TAIGA_MOUNTAINS = 'taiga_mountains'
TALL_BIRCH_FOREST = 'tall_birch_forest'
TALL_BIRCH_HILLS = 'tall_birch_hills'
THE_END = 'the_end'
THE_VOID = 'the_void'
WARM_OCEAN = 'warm_ocean'
WARPED_FOREST = 'warped_forest'
WOODED_BADLANDS_PLATEAU = 'wooded_badlands_plateau'
WOODED_HILLS = 'wooded_hills'
WOODED_MOUNTAINS = 'wooded_mountains'
class str, port: int, *, timeout: Optional[float] = None, passwd: Optional[str] = None)

Bases: Client

A high-level RCON client with methods for the Java Edition.

property advancement: AdvancementProxy

Delegates to a

attribute(target: str, attribute: str) AttributeProxy

Delegates to a

ban(player: str, *reasons: str) str

Adds a player to then ban list.

ban_ip(target: Union[IPv4Address, IPv6Address, str], *reasons: str) str

Adds an IP address to the ban list.

banlist(*ips_or_players: Union[IPv4Address, IPv6Address, str]) str

Displays the server’s ban list.

property bossbar: BossbarProxy

Delegates to a

clear(targets: Optional[str] = None, item: Optional[str] = None, max_count: Optional[int] = None) str

Clears items from player inventory, including items being dragged by the player. Java Edition implementation.

clone(begin: Union[tuple[Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float]], str], end: Union[tuple[Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float]], str], destination: Union[tuple[Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float]], str], *, mask_mode: Optional[Union[MaskMode, str]] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, clone_mode: Optional[Union[CloneMode, str]] = None) str

Clones blocks from one region to another.

property data: DataProxy

Delegates to a

property datapack: DatapackProxy

Delegates to a

debug(command: Union[DebugCommand, str]) str

Invokes the debug command.

defaultgamemode(mode: Union[GameMode, str]) str

Sets the default game mode.

deop(player: str) str

Revokes operator status from the respective player.

difficulty(difficulty: Union[Difficulty, str]) bool

Sets the difficulty.

property effect: EffectProxy

Delegates to a

enchant(target: str, enchantment: Union[Enchantment, str], level: Optional[int] = None) str

Enchants the target.

property execute: ExecuteProxy

Delegates to a mcipc.rcon.commands.execute.ExecuteProxy

experience() ExperienceProxy

Delegates to a

fill(from_: Union[tuple[Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float]], str], to: Union[tuple[Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float]], str], block: str, mode: Optional[Union[FillMode, str]] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None) str

Fills all or parts of a region with a specific block.

property forceload: ForceloadProxy

Delegates to a

function(name: Union[Path, str]) str

Runs the given function.

gamemode(mode: Union[GameMode, str], target: Optional[str] = None) str

Sets the game mode.

gamerule(rule: str, value: Optional[Union[bool, int]] = None) str

Sets or queries a game rule value.

give(target: str, item: str, count: Optional[int] = None) str

Gives an item to one or more players.

help(command: Optional[str] = None) dict

Returns help about commands.

property item: ItemProxy

Delegates to a

kick(player: str, *reasons: str) KickedPlayer

Kicks the respective player.

kill(targets: str)

Kills the targets.

list(uuids: bool = False) Players

Returns the players.

locate(structure: Union[Structure, str]) Location

Locates the respective structure.

locatebiome(biome: Union[Biome, str]) Location

Locates the given biome.

property loot: LootProxy

Delegates to a

me(message: str) str

Sends a message from RCON in first-person perspective.

msg(player: str, message: str) str

Whispers a message to the respective player.

op(player: str) str

Makes the respective player an operator.

pardon(target: str) str

Removes entries from the ban list.

particle(name: str, speed: float, count: int, parameters: Optional[str] = None, pos: Optional[Union[tuple[Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float]], str]] = None, delta: Optional[Union[tuple[Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float]], str]] = None, mode: Optional[Union[ParticleMode, str]] = None, viewers: Optional[str] = None) str

Creates the respective particles.

property players: Players

Returns the players.

playsound(sound: str, source: Union[SoundSource, str], targets: str, pos: Optional[Union[tuple[Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float]], str]] = None, volume: Optional[float] = None, pitch: Optional[float] = None, min_volume: Optional[float] = None) str

Plays a sound.

publish(port: Optional[int] = None) str

Opens singleplayer world to the local network.

property recipe: RecipeProxy

Delegates to a

reload() str

Reloads data packs in Java Edition and functions in behavior packs in Bedrock Edition.

property replaceitem: ReplaceitemProxy

Delegates to a

run(command: str, *arguments: str) str

Runs a command and checks the return value for errors.

save_all(flush: bool = False) str

Saves the server to the data storage device.

save_off() str

Disables the server writing to the world files.

save_on() str

Enables the server writing to the world files.

say(message: str) str

Broadcast a message to all players.

property schedule: ScheduleProxy

Delegates to a

property scoreboard: ScoreboardProxy

Delegates to a

property seed: int

Returns the server seed.

send_url(player: str, url: str, text: Optional[str] = None) str

Sends a URL to the specified player. If no text is specified, it will default to the original URL.

setblock(pos: Union[tuple[Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float]], str], block: str, mode: Optional[Union[SetblockMode, str]] = None) str

Sets a block.

setidletimeout(minutes: int) str

Sets the time before idle players are kicked from the server.

setworldspawn(pos: Optional[Union[tuple[Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float]], str]] = None, angle: Optional[float] = None) str

Sets the world spawn.

spawnpoint(targets: Optional[str] = None, pos: Optional[Union[tuple[Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float]], str]] = None, angle: Optional[float] = None) str

Sets the spawn point for a player.

spectate(target: Optional[str] = None, player: Optional[str] = None) str

Start or stop spectating.

spreadplayers(center: Union[tuple[Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float]], str], spread_distance: float, max_range: float, respec_teams: bool, targets: str, *, max_height: Optional[int] = None) str

Spreads players to resulting position under the maximum height.

stop() str

Stops the server.

stopsound(targets: str, source: Optional[Union[SoundSource, str]] = None, sound: Optional[str] = None) str

Stops a sound.

summon(entity: str, pos: Optional[Union[tuple[Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float]], str]] = None, nbt: Optional[dict] = None) str

Summons an entity.

tag(targets: str) TagProxy

Delegates to a command proxy.

property team: TeamProxy

Delegates to a

teammsg(message: str) str

Sends a team message.

teleport(*, destination: Optional[str] = None, location: Optional[Union[tuple[Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float]], str]] = None, targets: Optional[str] = None, rotation: Optional[Union[tuple[Union[int, str], Union[int, str]], str]] = None, facing_location: Optional[Union[tuple[Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float], Union[int, str, float]], str]] = None, facing_entity: Optional[str] = None, facing_anchor: Optional[Union[Anchor, str]] = None) str

Teleports the player.

tell(player: str, message: str) str

Whispers a message to the respective player.

tellraw(player: str, obj: dict) str

Sends a message represented by a JSON-ish dict.

property time: TimeProxy

Delegates to a

title(targets: str) TitleProxy

Delegates to a

tm(message: str) str

Sends a team message.

property trigger: TriggerProxy

Delegates to a

w(player: str, message: str) str

Whispers a message to the respective player.

property weather: WeatherProxy

Delegates to a

property whitelist: WhitelistProxy

Delegates to a mcipc.rcon.commands.whitelist.WhitelistProxy

property worldborder: WorldborderProxy

Delegates to a

xp() ExperienceProxy

Delegates to a


Bases: str, Enum

Available collision rules.

ALWAYS = 'always'
NEVER = 'never'
PUSH_OTHER_TEAMS = 'pushOtherTeams'
PUSH_OWN_TEAM = 'pushOwnTeam'

Bases: str, Enum

Available colors.

AQUA = 'aqua'
BLACK = 'black'
BLUE = 'blue'
DARK_AQUA = 'dark_aqua'
DARK_BLUE = 'dark_blue'
DARK_GRAY = 'dark_gray'
DARK_GREEN = 'dark_green'
DARK_PURPLE = 'dark_purple'
DARK_RED = 'dark_red'
GOLD = 'gold'
GRAY = 'gray'
GREEN = 'green'
LIGHT_PURPLE = 'light_purple'
RED = 'red'
RESET = 'reset'
WHITE = 'white'
YELLOW = 'yellow'

Bases: str, Enum

Available enchantments in the Java Edition.

AQUA_AFFINITY = 'aqua_affinity'
BANE_OF_ARTHROPODS = 'bane_of_arthropods'
BLAST_PROTECTION = 'blast_protection'
CHANNELING = 'channeling'
CLEAVING = 'cleaving'
CURSE_OF_BINDING = 'binding_curse'
CURSE_OF_VANISHING = 'vanishing_curse'
DEPTH_STRIDER = 'depth_strider'
EFFICIENCY = 'efficiency'
FEATHER_FALLING = 'feather_falling'
FIRE_ASPECT = 'fire_aspect'
FIRE_PROTECTION = 'fire_protection'
FLAME = 'flame'
FORTUNE = 'fortune'
FROST_WALKER = 'frost_walker'
IMPALING = 'impaling'
INFINITY = 'infinity'
KNOCKBACK = 'knockback'
LOOTING = 'looting'
LOYALTY = 'loyalty'
LUCK_OF_THE_SEA = 'luck_of_the_sea'
LURE = 'lure'
MENDING = 'mending'
MULTISHOT = 'multishot'
PIERCING = 'piercing'
POWER = 'power'
PROJECTILE_PROTECTION = 'projectile_protection'
PROTECTION = 'protection'
PUNCH = 'punch'
QUICK_CHARGE = 'quick_charge'
RESPIRATION = 'respiration'
RIPTIDE = 'riptide'
SHARPNESS = 'sharpness'
SILK_TOUCH = 'silk_touch'
SMITE = 'smite'
SOUL_SPEED = 'soul_speed'
SWEEPING = 'sweeping'
THORNS = 'thorns'
UNBREAKING = 'unbreaking'

Bases: str, Enum

Available particle modes.

FORCE = 'force'
NORMAL = 'normal'

Bases: str, Enum

Available schedule modes.

APPEND = 'append'
REPLACE = 'replace'

Bases: str, Enum

Available sound sources.

AMBIENT = 'ambient'
BLOCK = 'block'
HOSTILE = 'hostile'
MASTER = 'master'
MUSIC = 'music'
NEUTRAL = 'neutral'
PLAYER = 'player'
RECORD = 'record'
VOICE = 'voice'
WEATHER = 'weather'

Bases: str, Enum

Available structures in the Java Edition.

BASTION_REMNANT = 'bastion_remnant'
BURIED_TREASURE = 'buried_treasure'
DESERT_PYRAMID = 'desert_pyramid'
END_CITY = 'endcity'
FORTRESS = 'fortress'
IGLOO = 'igloo'
JUNGLE_PYRAMID = 'jungle_pyramid'
MINESHAFT = 'mineshaft'
MONUMENT = 'monument'
NETHER_FOSSIL = 'nether_fossil'
OCEAN_RUINS = 'ocean_ruin'
PILLAGER_OUTPOST = 'pillager_outpost'
RUINED_PORTAL = 'ruined_portal'
SHIPWRECK = 'shipwreck'
STRONGHOLD = 'stronghold'
SWAMP_HUT = 'swamp_hut'
VILLAGE = 'village'

Bases: str, Enum

Available team options.

COLLISION_RULE = 'collisionRule'
COLOR = 'color'
DEATH_MESSAGE_VISIBILITY = 'deathMessageVisibility'
DISPLAY_NAME = 'displayName'
FRIENDLY_FIRE = 'friendlyFire'
NAMETAG_VISIBILITY = 'nametagVisibility'
PREFIX = 'prefix'
SEE_FRIENDLY_INVISIBLES = 'seeFriendlyInvisibles'
SUFFIX = 'suffix'

Bases: str, Enum

Available time specifications.

DAY = 'day'
MIDNIGHT = 'midnight'
NIGHT = 'night'
NOON = 'noon'

Bases: str, Enum

Available time units.

DAY = 'd'
SECOND = 's'
TICK = 't'

Bases: str, Enum

Available visibility types.

ALWAYS = 'always'
HIDE_FOR_OTHER_TEAMS = 'hideForOtherTeams'
HIDE_FOR_OWN_TEAM = 'hideForOwnTeam'
NEVER = 'never'